Video Gaming Contract for Kids

In most children’s lives, video or in-app mobile games are part of their digital world – like it or not. Studies have shown that 97% are playing some type of game for at least one hour a day. Some video games, like Minecraft, can even help to develop creativity, visuospatial reasoning, and problem-solving skills and other games, such as Fortnite: Battle Royale are overwhelmingly popular with kids.

Only you can determine the appropriate balance between game play and other priorities such as school, homework, and unplugged activities. Download our contract to help set boundaries and keep kids safe while gaming.

5 Ways This Video Gaming Contract is Helpful

  1. Teaches your kids to be accountable.
    This contract can help support your household rules of what needs to be finished first prior to gaming, like chores, homework or other tasks.
  2. Helps your child prioritize their game play.
    By limiting how much game play they are allowed in a week, kids can learn to prioritize those video games they want to play the most, which is an important part of learning how to self-regulate.
  3. Allows for regulated video gaming.
    No longer will after school hours or weekend be a video gaming free-for-all. With this contract, you can determine how many long and which video games are approved for your kids to play.
  4. Keeps your kids safe while they play.
    Learn where safety issues may arise with your child's video games, like in public chats rooms or with exposure to violence.
  5. Supports your overall screen time rules.
    This video gaming contract can help support your overall screen time household rules.

This video gaming contract includes:

Which Gaming Consoles are Allowed

  • XBOX
  • PlayStation
  • Tablet

Which Games are Allowed to be Played

General Screen Time and Video Gaming Rules

  • I agree to complete my homework or other household responsibilities prior to gaming.
  • I will not argue with my mom or dad when my playing time is over.
  • I will not give out any personal or identifying information when I play online and interact with other players.


Download our FREE video gaming contract for kids below. 

Download Our Video Gaming Contract for Kids

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