Summer Screen Time Checklist for Kids

It's summertime and the kids are out of school, but how can you make sure they aren't spending all of their time on their phone, tablet or computer? Try using this handy checklist to make sure they finish their chores first!

5 Reasons Why Your Family Needs Summer Screen Time Rules

  1. Kids Have an Abundance of Free Time
    What kids love about summer, parents may dread. Kids are free from the school year constraints and after school activities and have an overabundance of free time on their hands. Even with planned activities, camp and chores, it's easy to see why screen time is a battle during the summer months.
  2. Screen Time Consistency is Key
    Just because it's summertime doesn't mean that mom & dad's household rules should be forgotten. Some things may flex seasonally but staying consistent with your screen time rules will make them easier to uphold by all family members.
  3. Your Family Media Contract May Need Updating
    While it's important to have consistent screen time rules throughout the year, being flexible during vacations, school breaks and summer time is realistic. This is a good time to evaluate your existing family media contract and update for the season.
  4. To Join in on the Fun
    Ultimately, we want our kids to have a happy and safe summer. By using this summer screen time checklist, you can make sure your kids are getting the important stuff done and still having fun! This also gives you an opportunity as a family to experience screen time together. Consider watching YouTube tutorials for summer crafts, listen to a podcast or watch a fun summer movie on Netflix together.
  5. You Can't Always Monitor Your Kids in Person
    Life happens. The one thing that parents across the world can agree on is that you can't watch your kids 24 hours a day. Luckily, there are tools out there to help you manage your child's screen time!

Want to learn more? Read our Parent's Guide to Demystifying Screen Time.

Download this Sumer Screen Time Checklist

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