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Now Playing History provides a list of all of the songs a user has listened to, sorted by date. Now Playing History is available for download for Android devices in the Google Play Store for $1.49 and does not feature any in-app advertisements or purchases. This app is rated for everyone. This app is safe for kids.
What is Now Playing History?
Now Playing History is an app created with audiophiles and music buffs in mind. Now Playing History provides a list of all of the songs a user has listened to, sorted by date.
Now Playing History is available for download for Android devices in the Google Play Store for $1.49 and does not feature any in-app advertisements or purchases. This app is rated for everyone.
Now Playing History supports Last.fm scrobbling, allowing users to scrobble individual songs by tapping and holding them, or automatically scrobbling all newly recognized songs.
Last.fm is a free music streaming service, music discovery tool, and popular social network for music enthusiasts. The Last.fm scrobbler is a tool that learns a user's music preferences by building a detailed user profile in order to deliver personalized music recommendations.
Last.fm can be integrated with a user's iTunes library, Spotify, YouTube, SoundCloud, and most other major music streaming platforms.
Scrobbling is the process of logging the songs a user listens to, which then generates detailed charts and stats, based on a user's music tastes each week. The Scrobble tool then gives users a way to see their music listening habits and see recommendations that may be of interest to them.
While Last.fm's scrobbler tool generates listening stats and provides recommendations, Now Playing History creates an historical listening log for users to refer back to.
The Now Playing History app keeps a log of a user's music streaming, sorted by date, allowing users to search their listening history.
When referring back to music logs, users can opt to have the app fetch additional details of the song, such as the name of the album it appears on and what the album cover looks like.
Now Playing History gives users the opportunity to mark songs as favorites and allows users to tap on log entries to stream those songs again with their preferred music player. Users can also use Now Playing History to share music favorites with friends as it allows users to export their entire listening history, or just specific songs, to Google Drive or Gmail.
Is Now Playing History safe for my kids?
Those parents whose children have a keen interest in music will want to know that Now Playing History is an app designed to help users keep track of their listening habits as well as search logs for favorite songs.
A feature that may be concerning to parents is the optional mapping feature which shows a user where they've listened to particular songs. However, it's important to note that all data is stored locally, so recorded locations never leave a user's phone.
It's important to note that Now Playing History is a companion app, designed to help audiophiles keep track of their listening history and preferences. As such, the Now Playing History app is rated for users of all ages, and the default age reference should defer to a user's music streaming application's terms of use.
Otherwise, the Now Playing History does not present any items of concern for parents and is a small investment for music lovers at $1.49. This app is safe for kids.
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