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SafeInCloud Pro is a password manager app that assists users in encrypting and storing passwords for safekeeping. Available for both iOS and Android device users, SafeInCloud Pro is available to download for $5.99, is rated for users of all ages and features no additional in-app purchases or advertisements. This app is safe for kids.

About Password Manager SafeInCloud Pro
In-App Purchases

What is Password Manager SafeInCloud Pro?

SafeInCloud Pro is a password manager app that assists users in encrypting and storing passwords for safekeeping. SafeInCloud Pro syncs with user cloud services to store and share password information across multiple user devices.


Available for both iOS and Android device users, SafeInCloud Pro is available to download for $5.99, is rated for users of all ages and features no additional in-app purchases or advertisements.


In an age when so much of daily life is conducted online, and personal information is frequently submitted through the web, an app like SafeInCloud Pro is helpful to keep all of one’s login information, bank account and credit card information in one place and secured.


SafeInCloud Pro uses encryption -- AES 256-bit -- to safeguard usernames, passwords, payment information, account information and autofill data directly on a user’s mobile device.


Individual folders, apps, and data files can be secured with the SafeInCloud app, alleviating the need for users to remember login credentials for each, as they’re saved in the app and accessed via their alpha or numeric password.


SafeInCloud Pro also includes a password generator, to help create ironclad passwords for individual sites. Users can opt for the “memorable” feature to generate a personalized but strong password that’s easy to remember.


The first thing users will do in SafeInCloud is set-up a master password, the strength of which is shown as users start to input their code. SafeInCloud analyzes all of a user’s passwords and will issue a warning for weak and duplicate passwords. Users are also given the option to use fingerprint authentication with the SafeInCloud app.


Password and login information is stored with the use of templates, in which users can use the preformatted forms the SafeInCloud Pro app provides or create a custom template of their own.


Custom templates include driver’s license, email, ID or Passport, Insurance, internet provider, login/password, social security number, software license, web account and more.


The cloud sync aspect of SafeInCloud makes it the perfect solution for families, providing a type of digital safety deposit box that allows family members to access important online accounts, should something happen to the primary account holder. 

Is Password Manager SafeInCloud Pro safe for my kids?

Unlike similar apps, SafeInCloud Pro offers all options within the app for a one-time purchase of $5.99. Other password manager apps on the market charge a monthly subscription fee to store data.

SafeInCloud Pro offers a desktop app for both Mac and Windows PC users to conveniently access and add or edit the password manager from their personal computer (especially helpful with a broken, lost or stolen mobile device).

Overall user reviews for the SafeInCloud Pro app are positive, specifically noting the ease of use and intuitive features the app provides (not to mention the peace of mind).

SafeInCloud Pro is an excellent app for children, and it can be beneficial for parents teaching the importance of online safety and protecting personal information.

For those choosing a more accessible format than a notebook listing all of this information, that can potentially end up in the wrong hands, the SafeInCloud Pro is an excellent choice.

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