Zift Advisory

This App Contains...
Live Streaming
Videos can be shared
Location Tracking
Photo Sharing
Photo sending/receiving
Stranger Danger
Interacting with strangers
Mature Content
Adult Content/Themes

Boomerang from Instagram is an app that allows users to make short video bursts in both selfie and regular camera mode that loop back and forth. It is available for free download from iTunes and Google Play.  This app is rated for users four years of age older and is safe for kids.

About Boomerang from Instagram
In-App Purchases

What is Boomerang from Instagram?

Boomerang from Instagram is a video-editing app that uses your phone’s camera to take quick 10 photo bursts and convert them into mini videos that you can then share on mainstream social media apps. It is free to download and use from iTunes and Google Play and is rated for users four years of age and older.


It is not necessary to create an account in order to use Boomerang from Instagram, and users can start taking videos immediately after the app has been downloaded.


To begin taking a video, simply press the white circle that is located at the bottom of the app. Once the video is complete, you can either share it directly to Instagram or Facebook, save it to your phone, or send it to a friend through another app, such as Facebook Messenger.


If you wish to switch between the front and back facing cameras on your phone, press the circle composed of two arrows that is located in the bottom right of the app.


Although the app is popularly downloaded and normally receives good ratings, some users have reported that when they try posting their videos to other forms of social media, the colors become distorted.  

Is Boomerang from Instagram safe for my kids?

Boomerang from Instagram does not require any age verification and is appropriate for all ages to use.

Parents should know that the app does not have the ability to restrict what users take videos of, even if the content is inappropriate.  

Additionally, it is important to note that users have the ability to publish their videos directly to their Instagram and Facebook accounts.

Because the app does not require users to create an account, very little personal information and data is shared with the developer. The app also does not track the location of the user.

Finally, it is impossible for users to communicate with other individuals through the app, or to see the content that other users create unless it is directly shared with them through a different platform.

App Screens